
Initial Event Evaluation of Solvent Regeneration System in Reprocessing Plant by FMEA

  • 摘要: 识别始发事件是事故分析的基础。目前后处理厂对始发事件的识别尚未形成通用方法。本文以后处理厂共去污分离循环的溶剂再生系统为研究示范对象,采用失效模式和影响分析(FMEA)的工程评价方法识别和筛选始发事件。分析结果表明,该系统始发事件的类型主要包括:包容放射性物料的边界(设备、管道、阀门)破损泄漏;酸、碱洗槽界面测量仪表失效;各贮槽和洗涤槽液位测量仪表失效;污溶剂接受槽有机相出口计量泵轴封泄漏。经与美国后处理厂安全分析报告和国外后处理事故实例比较,FMEA方法分析结果对于设备失效所致的事故具有良好的包络性和适用性。因此,该方法可作为选取始发事件的参考方法,并可推广应用到后处理厂的其他工艺流程系统。


    Abstract: The identification of initial events is the basis of accident analysis. Currently, in the accident analysis of nuclear fuel reprocessing plants, the general method for initial event identification still has not been established. Taking solvent regeneration system of decontamination cycle in the reprocessing plant as the research example, the engineering reliability evaluation method of the failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA) was applied to the identification and screening of initial events. The analysis results show that the types of initial events mainly consist of the leakage from the breakage of the boundary of radioactive material confinements (including equipment, pipes and valves), the failure of interface measuring instruments of acid or alkaline washing mixed-settler, the failure of liquid level measuring instruments of each storage tank or washing mixed-settler, as well as the shaft sealing leakage of the organic phase export metering pump for contaminated solvent reception tank. With the comparison of the reprocessing plant safety analysis reports of the United States and the actual accident examples of foreign reprocessing plants, the analysis results of FMEA method show good coverage and practicability to the accidents caused by equipment failure. Therefore, the FMEA method can be used as a reference method for initial events selection, and can be popularized to other process systems of reprocessing plants.


