
Development of Virtual Reality-based Simulation System for Nuclear and Radiation Safety

  • 摘要: 如何尽可能降低工作人员受到的辐射剂量一直是辐射防护领域关注的热点问题。本文基于数字反应堆和辐射虚拟人两类创新技术,结合FDS团队基于真实人体切片数据构建的中国成年高精度辐射虚拟人模型Rad-HUMAN,发展了一套大型通用核与辐射安全仿真系统SuperMC/RVIS2.3,能实现复杂系统建模与虚拟装配仿真、三维动态数据场与模型的叠加可视化分析、核辐射环境下人员虚拟漫游仿真和器官剂量评估等功能。以国际热核聚变实验堆ITER极向场线圈PF4检修以及中国铅基研究实验堆CLEAR-Ⅰ散裂靶更换等过程仿真与剂量评估为代表的应用结果表明,该系统可模拟核辐射环境中多种应用方案的评估与优化,可应用于反应堆设计优化、维修计划、应急评估、操作培训和科普教育,具有广阔的应用前景。


    Abstract: How to reduce the radiation dose to worker is one of the focus problems of radiation protection research. Based on digital reactor and radiation virtual human technologies, a virtual reality-based simulation system for nuclear and radiation safety named SuperMC/RVIS2.3 was developed. The basic functions of SuperMC/RVIS2.3 include CAD-based modeling and virtual assembly simulation of complex components, visualized analysis of dynamical 3D radiation dose field coupled with geometry model, virtual roaming simulation and organic dose evaluation in radiation environment. SuperMC/RVIS2.3 was applied in the maintenance simulation of International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) poloidal field (PF) repair and target’s maintenance scenario of China LEAd-based Research Reactor (CLEAR-Ⅰ). The test result shows that the system makes it possible to safely perform work scenario designs and optimization, maintenance plan, emergency evaluation and operation training.


