Super Monte Carlo simulation program for nuclear and radiation process (SuperMC) is a general purpose, multi-physics Monte Carlo simulation code developed by FDS Team. It is based on hybrid Monte Carlo-deterministic method, with integrated parallel computation and variance reduction techniques. The latest version, SuperMC2.2, can perform neutron, photon and coupled transport with automatic modeling and visualized analysis capability. SuperMC 2.2 has already been validated with many benchmark cases from international criticality safety benchmark evaluation project and shielding integral benchmark archive and database etc. To further verify and validate the code, it was benchmarked with the BN-600 hybrid core model released by IAEA. Nine parameters, consisting of effective multiplication factor, Doppler coefficients, density coefficients and expansion coefficients, were calculated. In all cases, the difference between the results of SuperMC and MCNP are within one standard deviation and within the range of values of results calculated by other institutes. The correctness and reliability of SuperMC neutron transport in fast reactor are preliminarily verified.