China Fusion Engineering Test Reactor (CFETR) is a superconducting Tokamak which is designed by China National Integration Design Group for magnetic confinement fusion. Divertor, as transitional zone between the high temperature plasma and materials, is very critical for fusion reactor operation. Under the condition of meeting overall design requirements and design basis in CFETR, three divertors to the same cassette were designed as follows: ITER-like divertor, Snowflake divertor and ITERlike-Snowflake divertor. Additionally, structural design of ITER-like divertor in detail was carried out, including first-wall design, rail-RH design, cooling system design, and pumping system design. Finally, flux expansion was calculated to verify the rationality of various divertors. It can provide the necessary theoretical basis for the further optimization and improvement of divertors in the future application.