
Study on Coherent Detection of FEL-THz Source Based on Electro-optic Sampling

  • 摘要: 为对华中科技大学一台在建的高平均功率、可调谐(1~10 THz)的自由电子激光太赫兹辐射源进行高精度、全频段相干检测,设计了基于电光采样原理的测量方案,该方案具有响应速度快、灵敏度高、噪声小、测量带宽大等特点。通过理论计算分析,得到探测飞秒激光脉冲以及太赫兹脉冲的偏振方向与电光晶体晶轴方向的最优夹角,分析了探测飞秒激光与太赫兹脉冲在常用电光晶体(ZnTe、GaAs、GaP)中的相位匹配,并给出了适合该太赫兹频段的探测晶体种类和厚度参数,为后期的调试和实验提供理论和技术支持。


    Abstract: The electro-optic (EO) sampling method was employed for the coherent detection of a tunable high power FEL-THz source at Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST-TFEL), due to its short response time, high sensitivity, low noise and wide bandwidth. Based on the theoretical analysis, the optimal polarization orientations of the femtosecond laser pulse and the THz pulse with respect to the EO crystal axis were obtained, and the phase match properties of the two laser pulses in the normal EO crystals (ZnTe, GaAs and GaP) were analyzed. Also the feasible crystal types and their optimal thicknesses were presented. The results provide useful guidance for the future detection debugging and experiment.


