
General DSP Firmware for Cyclotron Low Level RF System

  • 摘要: 针对回旋加速器射频系统幅度、相位、启动逻辑、联锁保护、在线参数修改等控制需求,编写了一种基于有限状态机的通用DSP固件程序。该固件程序将射频系统启动过程划分为5个状态:封锁RF信号、搜索腔体谐振点、提升射频功率、匹配相位、幅相闭环控制。该固件程序通过串口与本地上位机和远程控制机进行实时通信,支持在线修改射频系统启动参数;采用异步事件驱动方式,实现对打火和反射功率过大等异常情况快速响应。该固件程序成功应用于CYCIAE-100回旋加速器射频低电平系统中,在CYCIAE-100回旋加速器调束过程中,完成了射频系统的启动控制和设备保护,满足加速器控制系统的需求。


    Abstract: To meet the control requirement of the amplitude, phase, startup logic, interlock and online parameter modification of cyclotron, a general DSP firmware based on finite state machine was proposed. The firmware is divided into 5 states, and they are blockading RF signal, searching cavity resonance, enhancing power, phase match-ing, and phase closed-loop control. The firmware communicates with the local and remote control machines through the serial port and modifies the parameter of the RF system online. It adopts asynchronous event drive method to achieve fast response to spark and reflection. The firmware is successfully applied in the CYCIAE-100 cyclotron low level RF system. In the CYCIAE-100 cyclotron beam commission process, the firmware solves the problem of starting up and ensures the safety of the equipment. The firmware is stable and reliable and meets the requirement of accelerator RF system.


