
Simulation and Optimization of Hot Nitrogen Gas Baking for HL-2M Divertor

  • 摘要: 为提供高质量的等离子体真空运行环境,需对偏滤器进行高温烘烤。根据热传导与对流换热方程对偏滤器的烘烤过程进行了数值模拟及优化。结果表明:当热氮气等质量流量控制时,偏滤器回路压力损失逐渐增大,各部件烘烤温度爬升速率呈线性增加;当热氮气等体积流量控制时,偏滤器回路压力损失逐渐降低,各部件烘烤温度爬升呈线性增加。当初始条件近似相等(等质量流量为3×10-3 kg/s和等体积流量为4.8×10-4 m3/s)时,前者的部件温升速率略低于后者,但各部件烘烤过程中最大温差均未超过90 ℃。


    Abstract: To provide the best vacuum environment for the plasma operation, it is necessary to bake the divertor. According to the heat conduction and the convective heat transfer equations, the baking process of the divertor was simulated and optimized. The results show that the pressure drop increases gradually and the baking temperature of the divertor components increases linearly when the mass flow rate of the hot nitrogen gas is unchanged. Similarly, when the volume flow rate is constant, the baking temperature of the divertor components also increases linearly, but the pressure drop decreases gradually. While the initial conditions are approximate (the equivalent mass flow rate is 3×10-3 kg/s and the equivalent volume flow rate is 4.8×10-4 m3/s), the former temperature rise rate is lower than that of the latter slightly, but the maximum temperature difference of all parts in the baking process is lower than 90 ℃.


