
Simulation for γ-ray Spectrum of Fission Product Samples before and after Gas-solid Separation

  • 摘要: 针对裂变产物气-固分离前后样品测量的预先评估需求,建立了相应的γ能谱模拟方法。采用修改独立产额数据库的方法实现了气-固分离前后裂变产物的活度计算,根据HPGe探测器测量γ能谱的原理推导了γ能峰面积计算公式,进而结合蒙特卡罗模拟软件和PowerBuilder10.0编程工具编制了模拟程序。利用该程序分别模拟了裂变产物无损测量和气体裂变产物测量能谱,结果与实测能谱基本相符。


    Abstract: According to the prediction requirement of the measurement of fission product samples before and after the gas-solid separation, a simulation method for γ-ray spectrum measurement was established. With the way of modifying the independent yield database, all fission product activities before and after the gas-solid separation could be calculated. A universal calculation formula for the γ-ray peak areas was also deduced on the basic principle of gamma measurement by HPGe detector. Combining with above work, a simulation program was developed by employing Monte Carlo simulation code and PowerBuilder10.0 programming tool. The spectra of nondestructive analysis and gaseous fission product measurement were simulated. The results are consistent with those of experiments.


