
Dynamic Simulation of Parameter for Membrane-separator Cascade with Intermittent Impurity-withdrawal

  • 摘要: 利用膜分离级联制备某些高纯气体时,杂质端取料量很小,不利于级联运行控制,为此考虑采用间断取杂质的运行方式。本文根据膜分离级联计算模型,采用动力学数值模拟方法,完成了级联间断取杂质时参数的动态模拟。模拟结果表明,纯化后气体纯度可达99.999%以上,但取出杂质中含有微量的目标成分。总体来看,间断取杂质能在增大杂质端取料量的同时使级联仍保持良好的纯化效果、较低目标成分损失,是一种合理可行的运行方式。


    Abstract: When membrane-separator cascade is employed to produce some species of high purity gases, the withdrawal removed from impurity end would be too small, which inflicts unfavorable effects on cascade’s operation and control, and therefore a new type of operation method, that is cascade to be operated with intermittent impurity-withdrawal, was adopted. Based on the calculation model of membrane-separator cascade, the dynamic simulation of parameter for membrane-separator cascade with intermittent impurity withdrawal was completed by using dynamic numerical methods. Simulation results show that the purity of gas purified can be up to 99.999%, nevertheless trace of target component is removed along with the impurity withdrawal. Overall, membrane-separator cascade with intermittent impurity-withdrawal can achieve a larger amount of impurity flow, while maintains a good purification performance and relatively small loss of target component, which indicates that the operation method is reasonable and viable.


