The physical and chemical properties of GMZ bentonite will be changed by irradiation from high level nuclear waste after long time deep geological disposal. In this study, the diffusion behaviors of Re(Ⅶ) in 1 MGy irradiation montmorillonite and bentonite were investigated by a through-diffusion method at pH=3.0 and 10.0. The results were also compared with the unirradiated montmorillonite and bentonite. The effective diffusion parameter
De and accessible porosity
εacc were obtained. The results show that
De and
εacc are (1.00-1.49)×10
-11 m
2/s and 0.09-0.14 at pH=3.0, while
De and
εacc are (1.50-2.10)×10
-11 m
2/s and 0.07-0.11 at pH=10.0, respectively.
De and
εacc remained unchanged with the increase of pH, which indicates that pH has insignificant effect on Re(Ⅶ) diffusion. In case of montmorillonite,
De of irradiated clay is lower than that of unirradiated one, whereas, it is higher than that of unirradiated bentonite. It is probably because of that the component of bentonite except montmorillonite may change by the γ-irradiation. The increase of
εacc indicates that the diffusion path of Re(Ⅶ) is broaden. However,
γ-irradiation has no obvious effect on
Da because of the minor change of both
De and
εacc. Moreover, the relationship of
De and
εacc can be described by Archie’s law with exponent
n=1.7-2.4 for ReO