
Numerical Simulation and Experimental Study on Reverse Flow in U-tube of Steam Generator

  • 摘要: 针对蒸汽发生器U型管倒流现象展开实验研究。基于实验数据,采用CFD方法对倒流进行模拟。结果表明:蒸汽发生器发生倒流后,进口腔室出现显著的温度分层,倒流现象降低了蒸汽发生器U型管的换热能力;发生倒流后,进出口腔室压降绝对值减小,正流管流速增大,流动阻力增大,倒流降低了系统的自然循环能力。


    Abstract: The experimental study on reverse flow in the inverted U-tube steam generator was carried out. Based on experiment data, the experiment phenomenon was simulated by CFD method. The results show that reverse flow causes remarkable temperature stratified in inlet plenum and reduces the heat transfer capability of the steam generator U-tubes. The absolute value of pressure drop decreases in plenum when reverse flow occurs. The flow resistance increases while velocity of normal U-tubes increases, which has adverse influence on natural circulation.


