
Experimental Research on Advanced Accumulator

  • 摘要: 先进安注箱与传统安注箱相比,可在安注的不同时期根据堆芯冷却需要自动转换安注流量,提高冷却液利用效率,同时可简化安注系统,节约建造成本。为获得所设计的先进安注箱水力学特性,在基于模化相似理论设计的先进安注箱试验回路上开展水力学试验研究,最终获得了箱体安注过程中安注流量、压力、液位、介质温度和水力学部件流阻系数等参数的变化规律。结果表明,本研究所针对的先进安注箱试验本体可实现安注流量的自动转换功能,且大小流量比在3.5∶1左右,安注总时间可达250 s,与同类设备的安注性能指标相比具有一定的先进性。本试验结果不仅验证了先进安注箱结构设计的合理性,还可为反应堆安全分析提供输入性数据。


    Abstract: Compared with the traditional accumulator, the advanced accumulator can automatically convert the flow rate in different periods of safety injection according to the core cooling need, which can increase the utilization efficiency of cooling water, and can simplify the safety injection system and save the construction cost. In order to achieve the hydraulic characteristics of the designed advanced accumulator, experiments were performed on the experimental loop designed based on similarity theory to eventually obtain the variation of relative data during injection period, including safety injection flow rate, pressure, liquid level, medium temperature and flow resistance coefficient of hydraulic component. The results show that the designed advanced accumulator test vessel can achieve the automatic conversion of flow, and the conversion ratio is about 3.5∶1, meanwhile the total injection time can reach 250 s, which has a certain advancement of safety injection performance index compared with the similar equipment. The results not only verify the advanced accumulator rationality of the structure design, but also provide input data for the reactor safety analysis.


