
Direct Contact Condensation Characteristics Experiment Research in T-junction

  • 摘要: 在反应堆发生LOCA时,一回路系统压力降低,产生大量的蒸汽,安注水注入冷腿后可能会发生冷凝现象。为研究冷凝现象,通过开展T型管冷凝实验,在主管通纯蒸汽、支管通过冷水的情况下,研究了不同蒸汽流量和不同安注水流量下的冷凝量。结果表明:冷凝量存在一定的限制,即主管内蒸汽无法全部被冷凝。基于实验结果提出了一个冷凝效率与热力学比系数RT之间的模型。


    Abstract: During the process of LOCA (loss of coolant accident) in a PWR, the system pressure of primary circuit will decrease and great amount of vapor will be generated. The condensation might be occurred on cold leg then it would flow to downcomer, when the water in safe injection pipe poured into cold leg. In order to explore this phenomenon, the T-junction condensation experiment was carried out. Under the circumstance of pure steam flows in the main pipe and subcooled water flows in the safe injection, the mass flow rate of condensation in different initial conditions was researched. The results indicate that the condensation has a limit, then a model by using condensation efficient and thermodynamic ratio (RT number) is proposed based on the results.


