
Dynamic Characteristics of Passive Compartment Cooling for Marine Nuclear Power Platform

  • 摘要: 海洋核动力平台以输出电能和生产淡水为目标,为国家海洋能源战略提供保障。针对严重事故下海洋核动力平台堆舱安全性问题,在其堆舱非能动冷却系统(PCCS)方案的基础上,提出采用三维冷凝换热与一维自然循环流动换热耦合计算的方法,利用Fluent软件并结合UDF编程,建立堆舱含不凝结气体环境的蒸汽冷凝与舱外海水自然循环耦合换热模型,并分析失水事故(LOCA)条件下PCCS的热工水力行为特性。结果表明,PCCS能实现对喷放蒸汽的长期冷却,可有效降低LOCA后的堆舱温度与压力,为保障严重事故后的堆舱安全性提供可行措施。相关分析方法也可为开展海洋核动力平台PCCS分析设计提供指导。


    Abstract: Aiming at generating electric energy and producing fresh water, the marine nuclear power platform (MNPP) provides support for the national energy strategy. Considering the coupling effect between steam condensation and nature convection, a three-dimensional condensation heat transfer/one-dimensional natural circulation coupling numerical method was developed to analyze the passive compartment cooling system (PCCS) operating performance. Using Fluent and UDF codes, models of PCCS heat exchanging process between the two sides of heat transfer tubes were established. Then the major thermal-hydraulic parameter responses of PCCS were obtained. The results show that when PCCS working, the steam can condense effectively, and both the temperature and pressure in reactor compartment decrease. The analysis method can provide guidance for MNPP PCCS design.


