
Strategy Validation of Severe Accident Management Guidance for Qinshan-Ⅰ NPP under Typical Severe Accident Sequence

  • 摘要: 在日本福岛核事故后,国家核安全局要求核电运营单位提升应对严重事故的能力。按照国家核安全局要求,秦山一厂开发了严重事故管理导则。应用MELCOR程序建立了秦山一厂严重事故分析模型,模拟典型严重事故序列,根据严重事故管理导则的缓解对策,分析实施事故缓解对策对核电厂主要参数的影响,从而验证事故缓解对策的有效性。分析结果表明:在严重事故情况下,按照严重事故管理导则实施缓解对策,可有效地延缓或终止堆芯损坏的过程。


    Abstract: National Nuclear Safety Administration (NNSA) requires nuclear power plants (NPPs) to improve their abilities to deal with severe accident after Japanese Fukushima nuclear accident. The severe accident management guidance (SAMG) was developed for Qinshan-Ⅰ NPP in response to NNSA. Typical severe accident sequences were simulated by using MELCOR code, according to strategy used in SAMG, to validate the effectiveness of the strategy on plant main parameters during the progress of severe accident. The results show that the progress of core damage will be terminated or delayed if actions are taken in time.


