
Definition of Plume Emergency Planning Zone for Floating Nuclear Power Plant

  • 摘要: 介绍了小型堆应急计划区划分研究现状,在此基础上对比分析了浮动式核电厂ACP100S和AP1000核电厂在相同事故序列下裂变产物向环境的释放份额,选取具有包络性的事故源项,对ACP100S应急计划区进行了初步分析计算。结果表明:在相同的事故序列条件下,ACP100S和AP1000向环境的释放份额相差不大,但ACP100S堆芯积存量较小,因此ACP100S向环境释放源项也较小;在500 m范围内,2 d及7 d有效剂量与7 d甲状腺剂量均不超过相应的干预水平,由此可知ACP100S的烟羽应急计划区可划至500 m的厂址边界,从而取消厂外应急。


    Abstract: The research on the division of the emergency planning zone size of small reactor was introduced. The fission product release fractions of floating nuclear power plant ACP100S and AP1000 to the environment were compared under the same accident sequence. By choosing an envelope severe accident source term, the emergency planning zone size of ACP100S was estimated. It shows that the release fraction of ACP100S is little smaller than that of AP1000 under the same accident sequence. With the smaller initial core inventory of ACP100S, the smaller source term of ACP100S releases to the environment. On the 500 m distance, two days effective dose and seven days effective dose and thyroid dose are smaller than the relative interval levels. It is appropriate to define the radius of 500 m for the ACP100S plume emergency planning zone and its off-site emergency could be eliminated.


