
Risk-informed In-service Inspection Methodology Study and Application in Nuclear Power Plant

  • 摘要: 本文对核电厂风险指引型管道在役检查(RI-ISI)方法开展研究。RI-ISI方法将风险见解融入到在役检查,采用风险矩阵从两个维度(管道失效可能性和管道失效后果)考虑安全重要度,提高了在役检查的有效性和针对性。将该方法应用于田湾核电站1、2号机组一回路压力边界内的管道在役检查,评价结果表明,在役检查工作量和成本得到明显降低,减少了在役检查人员的放射性照射。本文在最后给出了开展RI-ISI的一些建议。


    Abstract: The methodology study of risk-informed in service inspection (RI-ISI) was presented in the paper. In the RI-ISI process, the risk insights were incorporated, and the risk matrix was employed to characterize the safety significance in two-dimension (i.e. rupture likelihood and consequences of assumed pipe ruptures). The inspection effectiveness and pertinence could be improved. The RI-ISI method was applied to pipes in primary circuit pressure boundary of unit 1 and 2 for Tianwan Power Plant. The evaluation results show that RI-ISI allows the plant to target its resources to inspection locations which are truly significant risk, and the in-service inspection workload and cost decrease. In addition, the irradiation doses to workers with in-service inspection programs can be keeping as low as reasonably achievable. Some suggestions on RI-ISI application were proposed in the end.


