
Application of Hybrid K-edge/XRF Densitometer in Spent Fuel Reprocessing Active Test

  • 摘要: 混合式K边界密度计(HKED)主要用于乏燃料后处理原始料液中U和Pu的浓度分析。本文对HKED的结构组成和特点进行了介绍,根据设施条件和测量对象的特点进行了参数优化及系统校准,将其应用于动力堆乏燃料元件先进无盐二循环Purex工艺流程热试验。结果表明,该装置对1AF料液中U浓度分析的精确度达0.3%。


    Abstract: Hybrid K-edge/XRF densitometer (HKED) is widely used for concentration simultaneous analyses of uranium and plutonium in spent fuel dissolution. HKED hardware structure and its characteristics were introduced in this paper. Depending on the site’s condition and object’s characteristic, the parameters were optimized, and the system was calibrated. HKED was applied in the advanced Purex process based on salt-free regent active test. It is validated that the uranium concentration precision for 1AF samples is up to 0.3%.


