
Assessment Technology on Mechanical Test of Package for Radioactive Material Transport

  • 摘要: 放射性物质运输容器是放射性物质安全运输的唯一物理屏障,运输容器需能抵抗可能的碰撞事故,GB 11806和IAEA的SSR-6针对碰撞事故情景规定了相应的力学试验项目。本文结合GB 11806和SSR-6规定的试验要求,介绍了中国辐射防护研究院自由下落冲击力学试验装置和应力、加速度、形变、影像测量系统。针对3 m3六氟化铀运输容器、XAYT-Ⅰ型医用伽马刀治疗头及密封放射源运输容器、ZHQY-QG-001型退役辐照源运输容器,采用试验和有限元仿真计算相结合的方法,分别研究了容器关键部件的形变、应力、加速度数据在容器安全性能评价中的应用。结果表明,综合应用有限元仿真计算与试验技术,采集和分析影像、应力、加速度、形变等数据,可分析货包结构失效模式和评价货包安全性能。


    Abstract: The transport container for radioactive materials is the unique physical barrier for the safe transportation of radioactive materials, and the container shall be able to resist against the possible collision accident. The corresponding mechanical tests are stipulated in GB 11806 and IAEA’S SSR-6 with regard to the accident scenes. Combining with test requirements prescribed in GB 11806 and SSR-6, the installations for drop impact mechanical tests of China Institute for Radiation Protection as well as stress, acceleration, deformation and image measurement system were introduced. By using the approach of combining the test with the finite element simulation for the transport container of 3 m3 uranium hexafluoride, transport container of XAYT-Ⅰ medical gamma knife therapy head and sealed radioactive sources and the transport container of ZHQY-QG-001 retired radiation sources, the application of deformation, stress and acceleration data of key parts of these containers was researched respectively in the safety performance assessment of the containers. The results show that the integrated application of finite element simulation technology and test technology can be used to analyze structure failure mode and safety assessment of packages, by collecting and analyzing the image data, stress data, acceleration data, deformation data, etc.


