
Progress in Study on Radiation Effect of Vitrification for High-level Radioactive Waste

  • 摘要: 本文概述了国内外针对玻璃辐照效应所开展的研究及其进展。介绍了α、β、γ射线在玻璃中产生的微观缺陷类型、相对应的表征手段、不同微观损伤与吸收剂量的关系及其在不同温度条件下的稳定性。介绍了玻璃宏观性质随辐照剂量的改变以及饱和现象,提出了宏观性质的改变和无序度的联系来解释实验结果。最后,介绍了玻璃固化体研究所面临的问题和挑战。


    Abstract: The studies on the radiation effects of the vitrification for high-level radioactive waste were introduced. Defects induced by irradiation of α, β and γ rays in the vitrification and the corresponding analyzing methods were illustrated. The dependence of the defects concentrations on absorbed dose and the stability of the defects on temperature were exhibited. The changes in macroproperties of the different vitrifications with irradiation dose and the changes saturated were illustrated. The relationship between disorder and macroproperties of different vitrifications was introduced to explain the experimental results. The challenge in study on vitrification was introduced.


