
Effects of Ionic Strength, Temperature and pH on Enrichment of Th(Ⅳ) in Aqueous Solution by Nanoscale Zero-valent Iron

  • 摘要: 采用液相还原法制备了纳米零价铁(nZVI),并将其用于富集溶液中的Th(Ⅳ)。探讨了溶液pH值、离子强度、反应时间、温度及固液比对nZVI富集Th(Ⅳ)的影响。结果表明:nZVI对溶液中的Th(Ⅳ)有很好的富集效果,富集过程受溶液pH值和离子强度的强烈影响,pH≤4.5时分配系数随pH值的增大而显著增大,随离子强度的增加而减小,pH>4.5以后,保持较高水平而不再随pH值和离子强度的增加而变化。分配系数随温度的升高而增大,说明升温有利于反应的进行。


    Abstract: Nanoscale zero-valent iron (nZVI) was synthesized in aqueous solutions by reduction method, and was used to enrich Th(Ⅳ) from aqueous solutions. The effects of pH, ionic strength, contact time, temperature and ratio of solid to solution on the enrichment of Th(Ⅳ) were investigated. The results show that nZVI has very good enrichment efficiency on Th(Ⅳ), and pH and ionic strength have obvious effect on the enrichment process. The distribution coefficient increases with pH and decreases with ionic strength at pH≤4.5. The distribution coefficient doesn’t change with the increase of pH and ionic strength at pH>4.5. The distribution coefficient increases with temperature which indicates that increasing temperature is advantageous to the enrichment of Th(Ⅳ) by nZVI.


