
Microstructural Evolution of 17-4PH Stainless Steel after Tempering

  • 摘要: 将17-4PH钢在1 040 ℃保温1 h后水淬,于540 ℃回火不同时间,测试其硬度以研究其析出强化规律,利用原子探针层析技术(APT)研究了强化相析出演化过程。析出强化曲线显示,存在两个析出强化峰。APT分析表明,第1个强化峰是由于析出了大量纳米级富Cu相,第2个强化峰则是由于析出了Cr、V、Nb碳氮化物。APT分析还显示,在富Cu相的周围,Mn、Ni和Al也出现偏聚,而且位于富Cu相和基体的界面。


    Abstract: 17-4PH stainless steel was tempered at 540 ℃ for different time after solution treatment at 1 040 ℃ for 1 h and quenched. The precipitation strengthening effects were characterized by hardness testing and the microstructure evolution of precipitates was characterized by atom probe tomography (APT). Double hardness peaks occur on the hardness curve. The APT result shows that the first hardness peak is caused by the precipitation of a large number of nano-sized Cu-rich phases, and the second hardness peak is caused by the precipitation of Cr, V, Nb-rich carbonitride. The APT result also shows that Mn, Ni and Al elements segregate at the interface between Cu-rich phase and matrix.


