
Design of Multi-channel Digital Neutron Flux Density Measurement System with Wide Range Coverage for ITER

  • 摘要: 针对国际热核聚变实验堆(ITER)对中子通量密度测量宽量程、高集成度、实时性的要求,设计了一套基于PXI架构的多通道中子通量密度测量系统。该系统包括新研制的电流灵敏前置放大器及基于高速模数转换器(ADC)和可编程逻辑器件(FPGA)的主电子学插件。通过全数字化信号处理技术衔接脉冲计数和坎贝尔两种测量模式,大幅拓展了测量量程和提高了系统集成度。该系统通过使用脉冲堆积率估算算法,实现了测量模式的精确自动切换。实验结果表明,该系统具备单一裂变室大于1.7×1010 cm-2•s-1中子通量密度实时测量能力,全量程相对误差低于7.1%。


    Abstract: Aiming at the wide range, high integration and real-time performance on the neutron flux density measurement by International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) requirements, a set of multi-channel neutron flux density measurement system based on PCI extension for instrumentation (PXI) bus was designed. This system comprised a specially designed current-sensitive preamplifier and main electronics plug-in mainly including high speed analog-to-digital converter (ADC) and field programmable gate array (FPGA). The fully digital signal processing technique was utilized to join pulse counting mode and Campbelling mode, significantly increasing the neutron flux density measuring range and system integration. The neutron flux density estimation algorithm based on pulse piling-up proportion was able to choose and switch measuring modes accurately and automatically. The experiment result shows that this system achieves real-time neutron flux density measurement on a single fission chamber, and enhances upper limit of neutron radiation dose larger than 1.7×1010 cm-2•s-1. The entire scale relative error is below 7.1%.


