
Study on X-ray Energy Deposition in Hexahedron Element and Its Application in Cylindrical Shell

  • 摘要: 为了对三维条件下的X射线热击波传播问题进行数值模拟,需首先解决能量沉积计算的问题。本文采用计算能通量矢量在面单元上积分的方法,给出了一种六面体单元中X射线能量沉积算法,并计算了有限长圆柱壳体构形在X射线正入射及斜入射条件下的能量沉积分布。结果表明:对于正入射,沉积能量沿方位角近似呈余弦分布,与理论解吻合,在半径方向上,能量沉积由表层向内部快速递减;对于斜入射,在壳体内外侧及柱体端面均会出现能量沉积区域,整个沉积能量分布呈现出明显的边界效应。


    Abstract: In order to simulate the propagation of X-ray thermal shock wave under the three-dimensional condition, an appropriate resolution of energy deposition calculation is needed to be found. In this paper, an algorithm of accumulating the energy deposition for X-ray in hexahedron element was proposed via calculating the integral of the energy flux vector on the surface element. Furthermore, the distribution of the energy deposition of finite-length cylindrical shell was calculated under both normal incidence X-ray and oblique incidence X-ray separately. The results show that the energy deposition is approximate cosine distribution along the azimuth under the normal incident, which agrees with the theoretical solution, and the energy deposition decreases rapidly from the surface layer to the interior under the direction of radius. Meanwhile, for the oblique incident, the energy deposition areas appear in both outer and inner sides of the shell and the end surface of the cylinder, and the boundary effect is well presented in the distribution of the overall energy deposition.


