
Self-adaptive Controller Design for Accelerator Stabilized Magnet Power Supply

  • 摘要: 本文通过在电源数控硬件平台上集成系统辨识模块对被控对象进行辨识,并使用集成于FPGA的软处理器来完成数据处理和参数计算,设计并完成了一种能适应负载变化且参数自整定的智能型控制器,其控制参数自动根据负载特性整定,不需人为干预。该控制器已在加速器磁铁电源上进行了测试,其主要技术指标满足使用要求。


    Abstract: By identifying the controlled plant with identification modules integrated on the hardware platform and using the soft core embedded in FPGA chips to process the data and compute the parameters, an adaptive and self-tuning intelligent controller was designed, whose control parameters are automatically decided according to the loading characteristics without manual computing. The controller has been tested with accelerator magnet power supply, and it meets all the main technical specifications.


