Research on Nuclear Reaction Network Equation for Fission Product Nuclides in Strong Neutron Field
摘要: 本文建立了考虑中子参加反应的裂变产物中子反应及衰变的网络方程,选用求解一阶线性刚性微分方程组的Gear方法,开发了可计算任意裂变产物核数量在不同中子场强度和中子谱下随时间变化的核反应网络方程计算系统FIRENEQ,并配套了裂变产物产额和衰变数据库FPYDDL及裂变产物核中子反应截面数据库FPNCDL。检验结果表明,计算结果正确,程序可靠。利用该程序系统,研究了裂变产物核数量在不同中子场、不同诱发中子能量下随时间的变化。Abstract: Considering the neutron reaction, a computer code system FIRENEQ and its associated data libraries FPYDDL(fission product yield and decay data library) and FPNCDL (fission product neutron cross-section data library) were developed. The program was tested and the results are correct and reliable. With this system, the number of the fission product nuclides at different time with different neutron field intensities and neutron energy spectra can be calculated.