
Determination of High Neutron Flux Density by Nuclear Track Thermal Analysis Method Neutron Detector

  • 摘要: 本文提出一种用于高中子通量密度测量的方法,即使用核径迹热释中子探测器测量中子通量密度,该方法在低中子通量密度测量方面已成功在微型中子源反应堆上得到验证。为了测试其在高中子通量密度测量方面的适用性,在中国先进研究堆辐照孔道内进行了应用研究。结果表明:孔道内中子通量密度相对分布总体趋势与MCNP的计算结果符合较好,此种方法测量高中子通量密度有效可行。


    Abstract: In this paper, the nuclear track thermal analysis method neutron detector was put forward for measuring high neutron flux density. This method was successfully validated on Miniature Neutron Source Reactor for low neutron flux density measurement. Experiments in the irradiation channels of China Advanced Research Reactor were carried out in order to fully validate the measurement of high neutron flux density. The experimental results of relative neutron flux density distributions agree with the theoretical results by MCNP very well, which means this method is suitable for high neutron flux density measurements.


