
Loading Scheme Research of Small-sized Sodium Cooled Fast Reactor

  • 摘要: 由中国原子能科学研究院设计的小型模块化钠冷快堆(简称M1),热功率为3 MW,作为一种封装核电源,采用模块化设计,在工厂进行装料,然后运输到厂址进行安装。考虑到工厂装料的特殊性和钠活泼的化学性质,采用一种新的装料模式——先装料后充钠。通过MCNP程序模拟计算,结果表明:根据M1的装料原则和核测系统,5批装料方案是合理的,同时充钠过程中堆内两个微型裂变电离室也可监测堆芯keff的变化。最终形成一套完备的小型钠冷快堆工厂装料方案,为其他小堆的装料提供启发和指导意义。


    Abstract: A small-sized modular sodium cooled fast reactor called M1 was designed by China Institute of Atomic Energy (CIAE). As an encapsulated nuclear source with thermal power of 3 MW, M1 system adopts modularization, by which the core will be loaded, then shipped and assembled onsite. Considering factory’s special conditions for loading and active chemical property of sodium, a special loading pattern, loading fuel first, then sodium filling, was adopted for M1. Through MCNP code simulation calculations, the results indicate that 5-batch loading scheme is reasonable according to the principles and nuclear measurement system of loading. Two miniature fission ionization chambers placed in the core also monitor keff of the core during the course of sodium filling. Finally a sound loading scheme of small-sized sodium cooled fast reactor in a factory is formed, which can provide inspiration and guidance regarding loading of other small reactors.


