
Numerical Analysis of Transient State in Reactor Upper Plenum of Monju Fast Reactor after Trip

  • 摘要: 基于日本文殊快堆停堆实验数据,完成了文殊快堆上升桶通流孔结构分别为直角、圆角下堆芯出口腔室内较完整的热分层进程模拟,并从热分层的形成、界面上升速度、温度梯度及通流孔钠流量比率等方面对热分层特点进行深入分析。结果表明,数值模拟结果与实验结果符合较好,在一定条件下,数值模拟可很好地预测钠冷快堆内整体热工水力行为。本文结果为建立一套用于预测钠堆内复杂瞬态工况的数值模拟方法积累了经验。


    Abstract: Based on the turbine trip test results of Monju fast reactor, the whole development process of thermal stratification after the turbine trip in upper plenum, using holes with sharp and round edge on the inner barrel, was simulated. The stratification characteristics including thermal stratification forming, interface rising speed, temperature gradient and flow ratio of flow hole to the annulus gap were investigated. The results show that the numerical simulations agree well with the experimental results and the thermal-hydraulic phenomenon in fast reactor can be preferably forecasted by numerical simulation under some conditions. The experience of building a numerical simulation method to forecast complicated transient state case is accumulated.


