
Simulation Design for Arc Power Supply of 5 MW Neutral Beam Injector Based on Saber

  • 摘要: 强流离子源是HL-2M装置5 MW中性束注入加热系统的核心部件,离子源通过弧电源加速初级电子至高能态,碰撞气体分子,产生等离子体。所以,弧电源对于离子源维持稳定的弧放电非常重要。本文利用Saber软件建立了弧电源的主电路模型,设计并仿真了弧电流的恒流控制、打坑控制以及超级电容的恒流充电控制、恒功率放电控制等。这种方法不仅提高了弧电源电路的分析和设计效率,缩短了系统研制的周期,还可用于实际系统的故障分析和控制参数的整定,降低实验风险。实验结果表明,弧电源的真实输出与仿真输出结果相符。


    Abstract: The high current ion source is the core component of the 5 MW neutral beam injection heating system of HL-2M device. The ion source generates plasma by the collision between the gas molecules and primary electrons which are accelerated to high energy state by arc power supply (APS). So the APS is very important for the ion source to maintain a stable arc discharging. A model of the APS main circuit was built. The constant current control and notch control of the arc current and constant current charging control and constant power discharging control of the super capacitor were designed and simulated. This method not only can improve the efficiency of the APS main circuit analysis and design and shorten development cycle of the power system, but also can be used in fault analysis and control parameter tuning of the practical system for reducing the risk of experiment. The experimental results indicate that the output of the APS is in accord with simulation output.


