
Development and Validation of Radioactive Nuclide Inventory Calculation Code for HTGR

  • 摘要: 堆芯放射性总量计算是核电站辐射防护设计、屏蔽计算和环境影响评价的基础。为进一步提高高温气冷堆堆芯放射性总量计算分析能力,自主研发了高温气冷堆堆芯源项计算程序NUIT,计算了HTR-10和HTR-PM堆芯内特定燃耗的燃料元件的放射性,并与KORIGEN程序的计算结果进行了对比。计算结果表明,NUIT程序可用于高温气冷堆堆芯放射性总量计算,并具有较好的计算精度和效率。


    Abstract: Radioactive nuclide inventory calculation is the basis of radiation protection, shielding design and environmental impact assessment of the nuclear power plant. In order to improve the capability of HTGR radioactivity analysis, the NUIT nuclide inventory code was developed. Radioactivity calculation was conducted for fuel elements of HTR-10 and HTR-PM in specific burnup, and the results were compared with the reference results given by KORIGEN. The result demonstrates that the NUIT code can be utilized for HTGR’s nuclide inventory calculation with good precision and efficiency.


