
Study on Response Characteristic of Imaging Plate for X/γ-ray with Middle/High Energy

  • 摘要: 为了实验得到IP板对中/高能X/γ射线的响应,基于X射线装置和137Cs、60Co放射源研究了IP板对40 keV~1.33 MeV范围内的X/γ射线的响应。利用IP板的物理模型和蒙特卡罗方法对IP板的响应进行了计算和模拟,两者的结果与实验结果符合较好。基于X/γ射线在IP板感光层中的沉积效率,研究了IP板对X/γ射线沉积的灵敏度响应,理论计算结果与实验结果亦符合较好。本文研究结果为将IP板应用于中/高能X/γ射线测量提供了数据支撑和技术基础。


    Abstract: In order to obtain the response of imaging plates (IPs) for X/γ-ray with middle/high energy through experiments,the sensitivity of IPs for incident X/γ-ray in the range from 40 keV to 1.33 MeV was studied based on X-ray device and radiation source 137Cs and 60Co. The sensitivity of IPs was studied and simulated by physical model and Monte Carlo method, and the results are in good agreement with the experimental results. Besides, based on the deposition efficiency of X/γ-ray in the IPs photosensitive layer, the sensitivity of IPs for absorbed X/γ-ray was studied, and the theoretical calculation result is in good agreement with the experimental result. The result of this study provides a data support and technical basis for the application of IPs in X/γ-ray with middle/high energy measurement.


