利用HPGe铀能谱143~1001 keV能区确定铀富集度的方法研究

Research on Uranium Enrichment Determination Using 143-1001 keV Region of HPGe Uranium Spectrum

  • 摘要: 在核保障领域,铀富集度是一项重要核查指标。本文提出了一种通过分析235U、238U和228Th (232U的衰变子体)的特征γ能峰拟合相对探测效率曲线确定铀富集度的方法,编写了铀富集度分析程序。用HPGe探测器对两种化学形态、富集度范围为1.8%~90.2%的铀样品进行了重复性测量。结果显示,富集度的测量分析值与标称值的相对偏差小于3%。


    Abstract: Uranium enrichment is recognized as a significant target of verification in nuclear safeguards. A method for uranium enrichment determination by analyzing gamma peaks of 235U, 238U and 228Th (daughter of 232U) to calibrate relative detection efficiency was described. A code to verify the method by analyzing the spectrum was written. A HPGe detector was used to measure two types of uranium samples with enrichment ranging from 1.8% to 90.2% repeatedly. For the samples measured, the uranium enrichments are determined with an accuracy of about 3%.


