In order to monitor and control proton radiography beam line equipment remotely and realize the safety interlock function of various subsystems of the beam line, a distributed EPICS control system was developed adopting the structure of standard control model. The system achieved the control for switch logic equipment safety chain through PLC. The core control system chose EPICS to set up many IOCs as a controller. The server set up the cross compiling environment under different CPU architectures. The device drivers and development of communication protocols were completed by using StreamDevice for digital power equipment and vacuum instrument equipment. The communication design for IOC and control functions of IOC convection equipment and PLC signals were completed through the establishment of the IOC dynamic database. Using CSS to design OPI, the host computer has access to data transparently in EPICS IOC. The beam line control system has been successfully applied to the physics experiment of CYCIAE-100 cyclotron proton radiography. The stable operation of the control system lays a solid foundation for the launch of the proton radiography experiment and has certain reference value for the development of similar control system.