
Thermal-hydraulic Safety Analysis of MNSR

  • 摘要: 微型中子源反应堆(简称微堆)是一种典型的罐池式反应堆,采用自然对流循环冷却。为研究微堆的安全性,对其额定功率运行以及事故工况下的瞬态热工水力特性进行了模拟。针对额定功率运行工况,采用CFD软件进行瞬态热工水力三维数值模拟,同时采用RELAP5程序进行一维计算,二者计算结果相符,表明了计算结果的正确性及额定功率工况的安全性。采用RELAP5程序对反应性引入事故进行了计算,计算结果进一步印证了微堆的自稳特性和固有安全性。


    Abstract: Miniature neutron source reactor (MNSR) is a typical pool-tank reactor, in which the natural convection is the major heat transfer method. In order to study the safety of MNSR, the transient thermal-hydraulic parameters under the rated power condition and accident condition were simulated. As to the rated power condition, the CFD software was used to conduct three-dimensional transient thermal-hydraulic numerical simulation while the RELAP5 code was used to calculate one-dimensional transient thermal-hydraulic parameters. The results of the two calculations are consistent, indicating the correctness of the calculation results and the safety of the rated power condition. The RELAP5 code was used to simulate reactivity insertion accident and output the transient thermal-hydraulic parameters after the accident, which further determines the dynamic self-stability characteristics and inherent safety of MNSR.


