
Test Study on Heat Transfer Capability of Advanced Secondary Passive Residual Heat Removal System

  • 摘要: 通过搭建试验装置,针对二次侧非能动余热排出系统(ASP),开展了试验研究。本文对ASP整体性能响应和稳态特性试验研究的试验装置、试验工况、试验结果进行了介绍。试验结果表明,在模拟事故工况下,ASP可稳定建立自然循环,并将回路热量导出,保证系统整体安全性;稳态特性试验中,回路压力为8 MPa时,可导出设计热量,且随压力的升高,导热能力增大,水箱温度对于换热影响较小。


    Abstract: The advanced secondary passive residual heat removal system (ASP) is one of several passive safety systems designed to ensure the safety of the reactor core. Test study on heat transfer capability of ASP was performed by using the high temperature and high pressure thermal-hydraulic test facility. In this paper, test facility was introduced, and the results of integral effect test and steady state test were discussed as well. The results show that stable natural circulation is built in the integral effect test, and heat transfer capability is verified as well in the long-time cooling period in station black-out (SBO) scenario. In the steady state test, the test facility can successfully remove the design heat from the core when ASP pressure equals to 8 MPa. Meanwhile, it is found that the heat transfer capability gets stronger with the increase of loop pressure.


