
Research on Radionuclide Ocean Atmospheric Dispersion for Nuclear Accident of Small Power Reactor

  • 摘要: 应用于海洋的小型核反应堆技术日渐成熟,但目前核事故大气扩散研究主要针对于沿海或内陆情况。为使大气扩散计算模型适用于海洋环境,本文对高斯烟羽模型进行了修正,应用MACCS程序研究了小型动力堆严重事故所造成的后果。结果表明,若烟羽未抬升,可溶性核素积分浓度垂直分布受水体影响较大,低空的核素积分浓度明显降低;若烟羽被抬升,源项附近海面的核素积分浓度较低,水体对其产生的影响较小;整个扩散过程中,水体主要影响海面附近核素积分浓度大的区域。


    Abstract: The technology of small modular reactor (SMR) applied to marine is getting mature gradually, but at present, the nuclear accident atmospheric dispersion researches mainly focus on coastal and inland condition. In order to qualify the atmospheric dispersion model for oceanic condition, the Gaussian plume model was modified and the consequence of small power reactor severe accident by MACCS program was studied. The results show that without plume-rise, the vertical distribution of soluble nuclide integrated concentration is greatly affected by the water and the near-sea-surface integrated concentration declines sharply. If the plume-rise occurs, the integrated concentration is low in the area near accident source term, and the influence from the water on nuclide integrated concentration is lesser. During the dispersion process, the water mainly influences the near-sea-surface area which has higher integrated concentration.


