
Constrastive Analysis of Core Characteristics for Sodium Cooled Traveling Wave Reactor and Standing Wave Reactor

  • 摘要: 采用自开发的MCNP-ORIGEN耦合程序MCORE对所设计的钠冷行波堆和驻波堆开展中子学和燃耗分析;基于MCORE获得的功率分布,采用自开发的钠冷快堆堆芯稳态热工水力分析程序SAST对钠冷行波堆和驻波堆堆芯开展热工水力分析。对比钠冷行波堆和驻波堆的堆芯物理特性和热工水力特性,结果表明:驻波堆在燃耗、最高包壳和燃料芯块温度方面具有优势,而行波堆在反应性波动和堆芯冷却剂出口温度均匀性方面具有优势。


    Abstract: A self-developed MCNP-ORIGEN coupled code MCORE was applied to perform neutronics and depletion calculations of the designed sodium cooled traveling wave reactor and standing wave reactor. Based on the power distribution obtained by MCORE, a self-developed sodium cooled fast reactor core steady state thermal-hydraulic analysis code SAST was applied to perform core thermal-hydraulic analysis of sodium cooled traveling wave reactor and standing wave reactor. The core physical and thermal hydraulic properties of sodium cooled traveling wave reactor and standing wave reactor were compared. The results show that standing wave reactor has advantages in burnup, maximum cladding and fuel temperatures, while traveling wave reactor has advantages in reactivity fluctuation and core outlet temperature uniformity.


