Based on the ENDF/B-Ⅶ.0 nuclear evaluation data library, an improved multi-group cross section data library NECL2.0 was produced for Bamboo-Lattice code by using the nuclear data processing code NJOY and LATTICE_PRE. The results based on benchmark and numerical analysis show that the calculation results of infinite multiplication factor
kinf, fission rate distribution and fewgroup homogenized cross section by using NECL2.0 library agree well with the corresponding reference values. Considering the resonance of AgIn-Cd can increase accuracy of
kinf by 1 000 pcm. Compared with reference values, the maximum relative deviation of fission rate reduces from -0.97% to -0.53%. Considering the resonance of zirconium in cladding can improve the accuracy of
kinf by about 60 pcm.