
Analysis of Radiation Heat Transfer of Main Cryo-condensation Pump for EAST-NBI

  • 摘要: 中性束注入器(NBI)主低温冷凝泵为J字型内置式,其防辐射挡板结构设计需综合考虑结构参数对辐射传热量及抽速的影响。本文选用蒙特卡罗方法追踪每份热辐射,以求解辐射传热量,并利用控制变量法得出辐射传热量与防辐射挡板结构参数之间的关系。模拟结果表明,壁面发射率、防辐射挡板结构单元的高度对低温冷凝板的辐射传热量影响较大,而结构单元的边界形状对辐射传热量影响较小。研究结果将为EAST-NBI主低温冷凝泵的优化提供依据并可为类似J字型内置式低温冷凝泵的设计提供参考。


    Abstract: The main cryo-condensation pump of J type is employed by neutral beam injector (NBI). The radiation shield of the pump is designed based on the influence of its structure on the radiation heat transfer and the pumping speed. By tracking each packet of the thermal radiation, a Monte Carlo method was adopted to calculate the radiation heat transfer, and to obtain the relationship between the radiation heat transfer and the structure using the control variate method. The simulation results show that the emissivity of the walls and the height of structural units have a great influence on the radiation heat transfer. However, the boundary shape of the structural unit has little effects on the radiation heat transfer. The results will provide reference for the design of the cryo-condensation pump in EAST-NBI and the similar built-in cryo-condensation pump of J type.


