
Research and Application of Dynamic Simulation Model for Centrifuge Cascade Hydraulics

  • 摘要: 级联的流体状态是影响级联分离效果和运行安全的重要因素。为开展级联动态水力学研究,针对层架型级联系统,利用各模块仿真模型搭建了级联动态仿真系统并对部分动态过程进行了模拟,通过与实际运行数据对比分析,确定了主机轻馏分流量方程及压强调节器动态调节方程的具体形式。计算结果表明,利用研究得到的系统仿真模型进行仿真模拟,所得到的系统参数变化与实际运行数据符合较好,模拟结果合理可信,所得仿真模型可用于其他级联系统的仿真研究,由此得到的级联各设计参数可作为实际级联调整和设计的参考依据。同时,利用研究所得的系统仿真模型,针对级联系统中可能存在的故障情况进行了模拟验证,仿真结果与实际运行数据符合良好,从而以仿真模拟的手段验证了系统中存在的问题。


    Abstract: The state of the fluid in a centrifuge cascade is an important factor affecting the cascade separation performance and operation safety. In order to study dynamic cascade hydraulics, a dynamic simulation system for a layer cascade system was established with simulation models for all cascade modules. Some dynamic processes were simulated. The flow equation for the centrifuge light fraction and the dynamic equation for the pressure regulator were determined by comparing the simulation results with the actual operating data. The simulation results obtained by using the improved simulation models demonstrate that the system parameter changes are in good agreement with the actual operation data, and the simulation results are reasonable and reliable, which indicates that the improved simulation models can be applied to the simulation of other centrifuge cascade systems. The obtained parameters can be used as a reference for adjusting and designing practical cascades. Meanwhile, the simulation verification for possible faults in the cascade system was carried out by using the improved system simulation model. The simulation results are in good agreement with the actual operation data.


