
Influence of Operating Condition of Centrifuge on Structure Parameter of Cascade for Separating Multicomponent Isotope

  • 摘要: 大分离系数情况下的多组分同位素级联的设计和优化可以准理想级联为模型。已知目标组分的精料、贫料丰度及基本参量,可确定准理想级联的结构。除级联本身的参数外,组成级联的单机运行工况也是影响级联分离性能的重要因素。通过利用基本全分离系数作为中间量,理论推导了在分离多组分同位素时,单机运行工况对级联结构及分离性能的影响。同时针对Xe中间组分的分离,采用单纯形法对其优化,研究了单机运行工况对最佳级联的结构参数及最小装机量的影响,进而确定了级联分离Xe中间组分的最佳单机运行工况。


    Abstract: Quasi-ideal cascade is often used as a model cascade to design and optimize the cascade for multicompoment isotope-mixtures with large separation factor. It’s feasible to determine cascade configuration parameters on the condition that the concentrations of target component in the product and waste flows are given. Besides its own parameters, the separative performance of the optimal cascade will also change with the operating conditions of centrifuge. Through the intermediate variable, which is the overall separation factor, the influence of the operating conditions of centrifuge on the structure parameters and the separative performance of cascade was studied. Meanwhile, for separation of the middle component of Xe, the result of the structure parameters and the total substance flow of optimal cascade with different operating conditions of centrifuge was presented. And then the optimal operating parameters of centrifuge for separating the middle component of Xe isotope by cascade are obtained.


