
Application of Wall Current Monitor on Beam Commissioning for Rapid Cycling Synchrotron of China Spallation Neutron Source

  • 摘要: 快循环同步加速器(RCS)是中国散裂中子源(CSNS)的重要组成部分。负氢粒子束经直线加速器加速至80 MeV,剥离成质子束注入至RCS环并加速累积至1.6 GeV引出打靶。束流通过安装在RCS环的壁电流探测器(WCM)感应得到束流的强度信息,环高频与环主二极磁铁的失配会导致束流的实际振荡偏离理论预测。本文通过对WCM的数据进行分析得到了纵向工作点、束流的实际振荡频率、束团的电荷量、束团的形状变化等信息,方便了加速器的调束,并对参数测量中的测量误差进行了分析。


    Abstract: The rapid cycling synchrotron (RCS) is a main part of the China Spallation Neutron Source (CSNS). The H- beam from the linac is striped to the proton beam and injected into the RCS, and then the proton beam is accelerated to 1.6 GeV to strike the target. When the beam passes through the wall current monitor (WCM) installed in the RCS, the beam information can be induced in the WCM. The mismatch between RF and the dipoles in the ring can make the beam oscillation deviated from that of the theoretical prediction. The detailed analysis of the WCM was done to get the synchrotron tunes, beam frequencies, the charge density in the bunch and the bunch shape variation, which facilitates the beam commissioning in CSNS/RCS. Meanwhile, the error effects were also analyzed in the process of the parameter measurements.


