The accident tolerant fuel UO
2-BeO design in the typical pressurized water reactor (PWR) was analyzed from the aspect of neutronics. The 2D fuel assembly problem from Westinghouse was selected and fuel with different BeO volume fractions was investigated by fuel assembly calculation code ALPHA. The results from criticality and burnup calculations show that adding BeO in the fuel leads to reactivity penalty caused by neutron capture while the moderating effect of BeO compensates the reactivity provided by the fuel. Two opposite impacts compete with each other to decide the combined effect brought by the UO
2-BeO fuel. The results from enrichment search show that slight increase of enrichment of
235U is needed to maintain the reactivity provided by the whole cycle. The fuel enrichment satisfying the first criterion needs more adjustments to meet the
kinf obtained at the end of cycle compared with the second criterion and the third criterion. Reactivity perturbation analysis results show that adding BeO in the fuel caused the fuel temperature coefficient keeps constant with the change of BeO volume fraction, the moderator coefficient becomes less negative and void coefficient becomes more negative.