基于MongoDB的HIAF Archive Engine设计与实现

Design and Implementation of HIAF Archive Engine Based on MongoDB

  • 摘要: 强流重离子加速器装置(HIAF)的控制系统采用实验物理和工业控制系统(EPICS)架构,运行数据存储系统为HIAF运行中的运行数据、历史数据和静态参数提供稳定可靠的存储。针对当前EPICS架构下的数据存储工具仅支持关系型数据库的不足,开发非关系型数据库MongoDB接口,并利用MongoDB嵌套对象和多层级存储结构的特点优化存储表结构,实现波形、图像等非关系型数据的高效存储;为调束人员提供基于标志位PV(Flag PV)方式的加速器运行数据手动存储方案以提升历史数据检索效率及数据可用性;同时针对海量历史数据的存储需要,利用MongoDB Sharding搭建MongoDB分布式集群。


    Abstract: The control system of high intensity heavy ion accelerator facility (HIAF) adopts EPICS (experimental physics and industrial control system) architecture. The running data archive system is supposed to provide a reliable storage system for the accelerator’s running data, historical data and static parameters. The archive system based on EPICS architecture was redesigned as the new HIAF Archive Engine. A MongoDB interface to support NoSQL database was developed using MongoDB’s embedded data model and multilevel document storage to optimize table structures. And a more effective method to store waveform and image data was provided. Then a manual archive solution for accelerator operators based on Flag PV was added, thus to improve the query efficiency and increase the historical data’s usability. To meet the requirements for massive historical data storage, a distributed database cluster based on MongoDB sharding solution was provided.


