The control system of IR-FEL facility is a distributed control system based on EPICS. The archived data generated during the operation of the facility can be used for the performance analysis and fault diagnosis of the facility. It helps to improve the performance of the facility and is also important for the operation and maintenance of the facility. The data archiving and query system of IR-FEL facility was designed and deve-loped based on the front-end and back-end separated software architecture and taking Archiver Appliance as the data archiving tool. The back-end of the system includes historical data query and real-time data push service-side programs. The Nginx reverse proxy server provides a unified data query interface. The front-end is a single page application based on Vue.js, which provides customized query, free query and real-time data display pages. Since the system was put into operation, it has stable performance and perfect functions, which meets the requirements of commissioning and operation of IR-FEL facility.