
Development of Beijing ISOL Facility

  • 摘要: 北京ISOL(北京在线分离丰中子束流装置,亦简称BISOL)是由中国原子能科学研究院和北京大学联合提出的一台大科学装置。项目建设包括反应堆与加速器驱动放射性核束离子源、强流氘离子加速器、高功率靶站与核能材料辐照装置、放射性核束后加速器、放射性核束实验站等。装置建设方案已初步确定,装置建成后可产生较国内外现有装置强度高1~2个量级的极端丰中子束流,可开展学科基础前沿放射性核束物理的创新研究,同时兼顾先进核能系统开发和多种核技术应用的需求。


    Abstract: The Beijing ISOL is a joint venture proposed by the China Institute of Atomic Energy (CIAE) and Peking University (PKU). This facility will operate based on a dual driver system, including reactor driving and intense deuteron-beam driving modes. The Beijing ISOL will deliver intensive rare ion beams of very neutron-rich isotopes, and the intensity of these beams will be of the order of at least 1-2 magnitudes higher than currently available ones. The intense deuteron accelerator proposed in this project will be able to generate intense neutron beam. These beams will be able to probe nuclear materials and will provide vital results to push forward the boundaries of nuclear physics.


