100 MeV质子回旋加速器二期辐照效应管道设计

Design of the Second Stage Irradiation Effect Beamline of 100 MeV Proton Cyclotron

  • 摘要: 针对中国原子能科学研究院100 MeV质子回旋加速器上的单粒子效应辐照装置进行了二期管道设计,采用八极磁铁校正法对束流进行了扩束及均匀化,最终在靶上得到了一个30 cm×30 cm、均匀性好于92%的均匀分布的束斑,满足了单粒子效应实验的需求。为降低靶站处的束流能散及中子本底,采用两级降能的方案,在偏转磁铁前放置1个降能片,将能量分为100 MeV和40 MeV两档,并分别针对这两个能量点进行方案设计,束流利用率均在42%以上。公差分析结果表明,四极磁铁对靶上束斑均匀性的影响大于八极磁铁,安装过程中应优先保证四极磁铁的安装公差。


    Abstract: The second stage beamline design was carried out for the single-event-effect irradiation device on the 100 MeV proton cyclotron of China Institute of Atomic Energy. The beam was expanded and homogenized by the octupole magnet correction method, and finally a 30 cm×30 cm beam spot with a uniformity better than 92% was obtained on the target, which meeting the need of single-event-effect experiments. In order to reduce the energy dispersion and the neutron background at the target station, a twostage energy reduction scheme was adopted. A degrader was placed in front of the deflection magnet, and the energy was divided into two levels of 100 MeV and 40 MeV, respectively. The beamline scheme under the two energy points was designed and the beam utilization rate is above 42%. The results of the tolerance analysis show that the influence of the quadrupole magnet on the uniformity of the beam spot for the target is greater than that of the octupole magnet, and the installation tolerance of the quadrupole magnet should be given priority during the installation process.


