
Development of Groove Gaseous Multiplier

  • 摘要: 实践中发现,微结构气体探测器(MPGD)遇到三方面挑战:打火时放电电流的抑制与稳定运行、单元面积增大后的生产工艺以及孔型结构带来的探测位置重建偏差。为解决以上问题,本文提出了一种新型结构的MPGD——栅型气体电子倍增器(Groove)。使用3种不同几何尺寸的栅型电极,在不同气体中对8.04 keV铜靶X射线的能谱进行测量,以检验探测器性能。与蒙特卡罗模拟计算结果对比表明,探测器信号主要来自雪崩产生的离子。能谱测量结果显示:栅极狭缝宽度0.2 mm、厚度0.8 mm的探测器增益和能量分辨率好于其他尺寸的探测器;在93%Ar+7%CO2中运行时,探测器增益与分辨率两项指标稍好于在95%Ar+5%CH4中。测量得到的探测器增益最高可达3×104左右,能量分辨率最高可达15.6%。


    Abstract: Micro-pattern gaseous detector (MPGD) meets difficulties on manufacture, discharge and distortion. Devoting to solve the problems, the Groove gaseous multiplier was promoted. The performance of Groove was measured at 8.04 keV copper target X-ray. The comparison of the signal shape and the result of Garfield++ simulation displayed the signal was dominated by the ion conduction. The Groove with 0.2 mm slot width and 0.8 mm thickness operated in 93%Ar+7%CO2 mixture achieves the best gain of 3×104, and the best energy resolution of 15.6%.


