
Research Status and Prospect of Muon Physics and Technique

  • 摘要: 缪子物理和缪子应用技术研究是涉及粒子物理、材料科学、凝聚态物理、生物分子、考古学等众多学科的国际前沿交叉研究领域。目前北美、欧洲及日本均在这一领域做出了众多重要成果。由于加速器条件限制,目前国内尚未系统开展加速器缪子方面的实验,相关领域的研究团队主要依托国外装置或参与国际合作开展研究。本文综述性报道了近年国际上开展的几项主要缪子物理科学研究与缪子应用技术进展,并展望了国内在缪子源设计、建设及应用方面的科学前景。


    Abstract: Muon physics and the application of muon technique is an interdisciplinary research which involves particle physics, material science, condensed matter physics, biomolecular science, and archaeology. Many important researches have been done and published in these areas by scientists from North America, Europe, and Japan. Due to the lack of accelerator-based muon source in China, Chinese research groups in these fields mainly rely on overseas muon facilities or on joining international collaborations. Some recent major progress on muon physics and muon technique application, and the prospects of the design, construction, and application of the accelerator-based muon source in China were reported in this paper.


